What an exciting summer it has been! Last weekend we gave a tour to our 300th client and the tours keep going strong! Our guides are continuing to lead and refine the tours as most of them begin their senior year at Guilford High School. We were sad to see the our oldest guides: Kaitlin and Sarah, depart for their respective colleges in Pennsylvania and Minnesota, leaving behind their models of hard work, leadership, and cheerfulness.
Our weekday tours have been a surprise success. Not only have we given tours to friends and families who wanted to show off their town to their visitors, we have also given tours for H. Pearce Real Estate’s and Defibtech Corporation’s Guilford offices.
Although the majority of our clients have Guilfordites (they say Guilfordians in England), we are continuing to have visitors from Greater New Haven, Greater Hartford, Metropolitan New York, and beyond. I am excited about the people of Guilford who continue to want to learn about our town’s heritage. I can only thank Joel Helander, Sarah McCulloch, Nona Bloomer, Penny Colby, Carl Balestracci and our friends at the Guilford Keeping Society, the Hyland House, and the Henry Whitfield State Museum and so many others for continuing to whet the appetite of our curious and educated townspeople. I even think that the Segway Tours and the Grass Island Tours help us
bring a steady stream of tourists to our great town.
Come join us on our last weekends of the tours. With your continued support, we will have the inspiration and fortitude to continue to work with our talented students to refine the tours, expose our clients to our wonderful house museums, preserved downtown, our great shops, galleries, and restaurants, and to make next summer’s tours the second successful year of a program that will continue for many years to come.